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Temperature Tx's

Temperature Transmitters
Multiple Models
Head Mount & Din Rail
High Measurement Accuracy
Atex Options
Label: 5104b
Supply voltage and safety barrier for 2-wire transmitters mounted in a hazardous area. Safety barrier for analog current / voltage..
Label: 5114b
The 5114 transmitter can be configured using the PReset software and the Loop Link communications unit. Application Jumper selecta..
Label: 5116b
Linearized, electronic temperature measurement with RTD or TC sensor. Conversion of linear resistance variation to a standard anal..
Label: 5131a
The 5131A transmitter can be configured with the software program PReset using a standard PC and the Loop Link communications unit..
Label: 5333A
5333A 2-wire programmable transmitterApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with Pt100...Pt1000 or Ni100...Ni1000 sen..
Label: 6331a
Linearized temperature measurement with Pt100...Pt1000, Ni100...Ni1000, or TC sensor. Conversion of linear resistance variation to..
Label: 6333a
Linearized temperature measurement with Pt100...Pt1000 or Ni100...Ni1000 sensor. Conversion of linear resistance variation to a st..
Label: 6437d
Temperature measurement of a wide range of TC and RTD types. Conversion of wide span linear resistance and potentiometer inputs to..
Label: 7501
High definition display 0, 90, 180, & 270 degree position adjustments.Monitoring, programming and diagnostics view.Extensi..
Label: 5333D
5333D 2-wire programmable transmitterApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with Pt100...Pt1000 or Ni100...Ni1000 se..
Label: 5331A
5331A 2-wire programmable transmitter ApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with Pt100...Pt1000, Ni100...Ni1000, or TC ..
Label: 5331D
5331D 2-wire programmable transmitterApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with Pt100...Pt1000, Ni100...Ni1000, or TC..
Label: 5337A
5337A 2-wire transmitter with HART protocolApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with TC and RTD sensors e.g. Pt100 ..
Label: 5337D
5337D 2-wire transmitter with HART protocolApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with TC and RTD sensors e.g. Pt100 a..
Label: 5334B
5334B 2-wire programmable transmitterApplicationLinearized temperature measurement with TC sensor. Amplification of bipolar m..
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)