Controllers & Indicators
Multiple Input/Output Options
Various Sizes
Reliable & Robust
High Performance Control
Various Sizes
Reliable & Robust
High Performance Control

Label: 5531b
The 5531 indicator is powered by the 4 to 20 mA current loop and is easily scaled to display the correct process value.
Because ..
Label: n1040
The microprocessor based N1040 was conceived for low cost applications and yet achieving high degree of accuracy. It features a sh..
Label: n1050
N1050 is an advanced high performance PID temperature controller featuring a vivid LCD display in a modern design package. It comb..
Label: n1200
N1200 is an advanced self-adaptive PID controller with an algorithm that constantly monitors the process performance and adjusts ..
Label: n1500
N1500 Universal Indicator The N1500 series of Universal Process Indicators are high performance instruments used for monitoring an..
Label: n1500g
Indicator N1500G This high performance universal digital panel meter features a bright 56 mm high display for high visibility at l..
Label: N1500LC
The N1500-LC load cell panel meter is the ideal instrument for monitoring analogue variables in industrial processes with Load Cel..
Label: n2000
The N2000 Universal Process Controller is a real breakthrough in versatility for holding in one single instrument all the major fe..
Label: n3000
N3000 Big Digit Universal Process Contoller is a real breakthrough in versatility for holding in one single instrument all the maj..
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)